Modern Art Story of an Artist
Picasso story is one that all artists, wish they have. What I mean is being alive and well and see you and your artwork revered and respected.
Me in my Art Studio
We all want to enjoy our hard work, pain, tears, disappointments and victories alive not dead. Our hope is to be alive and victorious that we made it despite all the odds, so that even in death the glorious story of our life's work is told in the same manner, we lived it.
I wake up most mornings with these thoughts in my mind when I meditate, I ask myself when, is that big breakthrough going to come, its almost 30 years now as a professional artist...then I remember that I am well and alive today.
That I am able and willing to create another piece of Artwork,
and then I remember that I did sell a few last week or last month so I am immediately grateful.
These thoughts strengthen my resolve and my respect for Artists like myself out there, who are dogged and determined to create as much artworks as possible in their own style.
Regardless of anyone's view except a determination to exceed all expectations and make good their promise to themselves, to be the best in their craft, and I resonate with that!
That way greatness comes undoubtedly, and so comes our own Picasso Story.... with that thought in mind and armed with my cup of coffee, I move into my art studio to create Art.
I am always inspired by Artists whose works I love, Picasso being one of them has inspired me, into creating 'Art the Way I See It' from within, without fear or restrictions knowing that my art matters and I did something great today.......Enjoy!