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Showing posts from October, 2023

Art Museums/Galleries To Visit | Artmiabo

           Art Museums/Galleries To Visit Art galleries around the world afford audiences a preview or view of culture past and present. They are curated in ways that educate, inspire and intrigue their audience.  People visit these museum galleries for so many reasons, mostly from curiosity and interest to learn more about culture and a subject matter. I love visiting art galleries and discovering new Artist and the Inspiration behind their artwork, but museum galleries are another art form in itself. I have my works in a couple of galleries here in Johannesburg, but my blog today is about 10 museum art galleries, that I think inspires, fascinates and intrigues us all. They are irresistible, I  have visited some of these museums and I know people, who have been to all of them several times over. I hope to visit some of them in the near future, but one can still view the art in them through the internet. So here are my most irresistib...

15 Habits of Successful Artists - Artmiabo

15 Habits of Successful Artists | Discover the Secrets of Creativity                 15 Habits of Artists | Discover the Secrets of Creativity The artist, is one who has an imaginative mind and a purpose to bring that imagination to light. Most artists tend to have similar habits that we all share and exhibit in our artists daily routine, most times unconsciously.  I wager, that any artists reading this blog post now, will see him or herself possessing some of these habits that make us who we are, creatives.... as they refer to us now. 1. Practicing regularly: Artists often make a habit of practicing their craft every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. 2. Being observant: Artists have a keen eye for detail and often observe their surroundings closely to find inspiration for their work. 3. Experimenting with different techniques: Artists often try out new techniques and mediums to expand their skills and creativity. 4. Having ...

Explore Exhibition Art: Stunning Abstract Wall Art Prints for Sale - by Miabo Enyadike

   Art Prints For Sale  Abstract Canvas Wall Art Prints  BUY NOW in These canvas art prints are original abstract paintings by Miabo Enyadike and can now be purchased as limited editions printed on canvas.  Prices of these art prints on canvas, start from $19 and various sizes are available to suit the collectors needs and requirements. Click each Photo to get more info, like prices, sizes, frames, checkout, warranty, return policy and delivery   SHOP NOW 💖💖💖 Miabo Enyadike

“Brighten Up Your Home with this Abstract Flower Painting” | Artmiabo

"Flower Gardens: A Timeless Connection to Humanity's Past and Present    Abstract Garden Art Art for Sale Since time immemorial, flower gardens have been an integral part of human existence, with a story that resonates through the ages - the tale of the Garden of Eden. These enchanting gardens have a rich history, woven into the fabric of our very existence. Today, flower gardens continue to be a hidden blessing, gracing our lives with beauty and serving essential natural purposes. They are not merely eye-catching, but also fulfill unique roles in our ecosystem. The cultivation of flower gardens is a deeply personal and cultural endeavor. How we nurture and design these gardens is a reflection of our individual preferences, ethnic backgrounds, and cultural traditions. Embrace the beauty and significance of flower gardens, and let them connect you to the timeless story of our shared human history." From country to country they differ, you have the famous English gardens...

Artist Open Call, Artmiabo International Art Festival AMIAF, 2024.

Artist Open Call, Artmiabo International Art Festival AMIAF, 2024. This festival Open call invites only sculptors from everywhere to apply Date: 27th April-1st May, 2024 Location: Ebonylife Place, Victoria Island, Lagos State, Nigeria. Festival Theme: Sculptor's Odyssey Email Submission to: Exhibition Inspiration: In the realm of sculptural artistry, where stone, metal, and wood are the raw materials of our creative voyage, artmiabo international art festival, 2024, (Amiaf) embarks upon a journey known as the "Sculptor's Odyssey." This artistic odyssey is not merely a physical expedition but a profound exploration of the human spirit, nature, and the limitless bounds of imagination. Like Odysseus navigating through treacherous waters, all, sculptors, navigate through the depths of their minds, seeking to unearth the stories hidden within each medium they touch. Every chisel stroke, every molten pour, and every carving is a testament to the...