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Showing posts from April, 2014

Words We Can Turn Into Art | Artmiabo

Words We Can Turn Into Art I am back to my first love up-cycle art, I  knew I would be  back soon doing something, that not only inspires me, but brings along with it joy and  adventure.  When ever I work with old news papers, the excitement within me and the possibilities that I look forward too, are just endless.   This time around, I decided to stamp words,  using wooden letters and acrylic paint on old news print.  It was like teaching art to little kids,only this time I was the teacher and child in the class, all in one by myself.  I felt that way because this is the first for me, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Have fun like I did, and try this out yourself.......enjoy.                                💖💖💖 Miabo Enyadike

Abstract African Paintings in Brush Strokes | Miabo Enyadike

Acrylic Abstract Paintings Brush Strokes Brush strokes define our paintings and could easily be recognized, as an artist style. Take Vincent Van Gogh , for instance, a foremost dutch post impressionist painter, his distinct painting style, is forever impressed in our minds.This entire series I have made was inspired by Van Gogh's style.                                   The Boy                                                    by Miabo Enyadike                                           Sometimes these brush strokes could happen by accident or on purpose.                           Swirl by Miab...