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Showing posts from October, 2021

Artist Tips To Easy Watercolor Art by Miabo Enyadike

Artist Tips To Easy Watercolor Art All Artists I presume, use these watercolor tips, they are easy and ensure an easy approach to a watercolor painting. This blog does not teach you how to use watercolor, instead it gives tips on preparation for a watercolor painting. As an artist myself I use these tips always, before I embark on a watercolor painting. To further learn how to use watercolor, I have books that will be resourceful and help you learn more tips and techniques going further. Below are some the of books I recommend, that have steps on how to achieve a brilliant watercolor painting. Anyway lets start with these quick tips that Artists use. Water color Tips -First you need either a single sheet of paper or a watercolor block. -Dampen the paper directly before starting work, the paper is well dampened and stick it paper tape, or pin it down with tag pins. -A single wetting is not enough. -It takes a while for dry paper to soak up enough water. -While the paper is relatively...

Folk Art Tribal Symbols | Artmiabo

               Folk Art Tribal Symbols               CIRCLES, LINES, DOTS From the Cape (South Africa) to Cairo (Egypt) I mean entire Africa, there are traditional symbols that indicate a previous culture or people. DOTS AND RECTANGLES  Some of these symbols can be interpreted to mean something significant, while some are mere decorative symbols, that are still in use today for traditional ceremonies or decorative purposes. DOTS, TRIANGLE, RECTANGLES I have seen quite a lot of them in use as geometric designs, in African art and extended into International art as well.                       TRIANGLES AND DOTS I love these symbols and have used them for a lot of my creative endeavors and these are some of them ... ENJOY.                               ...

My Plastic Abstract Sculpture | Artmiabo

 My Plastic Abstract Sculpture    My kids, drink quite a lot of milk and I am not sure, I know the health implications of excessive milk drinking, I just know that milk drinking in my house hold, borders on excessive.  I always put away the empty plastic containers, in the recycling bin.  It occurred to me,  that I could still do another abstract art with milk containers.  It is time consuming and I am busy, but I love a challenge and recycling art happens to be my first love.  It felt right,  to create a simple sculpture piece on wood, with the milk  plastic containers representing the skyline, and  the townships in between. This particular work, took quite a large number of milk containers, with an 8 m x 4 m of real wood board, thanks to my kids love of milk, I was able to finish it.  What you see is my idea of the Joburg skyline, and the townships in the center of it all. I cherished ...

Abstract Painting Mama's Market | Artmiabo

Abstract Painting Mama's Market  I have always wondered thoughtfully, how to define the typical African woman? What drives her? What keeps her going strong? when all is obviously not well! What makes her go all out, to be there for her family regardless of her circumstances, and her ability to be the rock in her family, and weather all difficulties, whilst picking up all the pieces for those she calls her own.  In a continent that is ravaged by war, poor basic amenities, rape, women abuse, child marriages, poor education, no jobs, poor health care, frequent disease outbreaks and the worst, corruption!. Where every achievement taken for granted else where, is herculean in Africa.                          It is mind boggling, to see, day in day out the obstacle most African women, face to survive, let alone be a wife and a mother. Their refusal to be put down by events, be it tradition or otherwise and to a...

Earth Restoration Series Abstract Art | Artmiabo

  Earth Restoration Series Abstract Art  My passion in fine art is painting.  I love to paint in all mediums and the outcome is always remarkable to me.  I know I love to make a beautiful craft, but for me painting on any surface, is what I truly enjoy exploring. To emphasis this is simply to look back, on the paintings by our forefathers, we call it rock painting they called it Art!. I enjoy every second and savor every brushstroke as my imagination burst unto canvas, capturing my thoughts, on a particular subject, indeed it is truly gratifying. Abstract paintings with a mixed media twist always capture my imagination, sorry guys, just saying what works for me.  My personal take on still life painting is simple, it does no justice to the very eclectic world we find ourselves in.  This is a world, that is indeed a mishmash of colors, ideas, techniques, and ambitious creativity, coming together to form a union.  Where ideas no lo...

Abstract Artists Use Art As Messaging Tools | By Miabo Enyadike

Abstract Artists Use The Power of Language in Art As Messaging Tools Artist everywhere, create art they way the see it. Most from their guts and interpret it they way the understand it. These days art can be anything, the onus is simply on the artist to create a narrative around what they are displaying and it should resonate with their audience. I make art that is abstract in nature, and mostly with found objects, the aim is to create awareness around the simplicity in art but also the profound messaging around it. Anything art can be used to convey a message, in this day and people immediately are drawn to it, they see themselves or people they know in these messages and immediately align themselves with it, in today's art, it is all about that direct messaging!                   War                  Bottles          Abstract/Mixed Media      ...

Mixed Media Abstract Ink Art | Artmiabo

Mixed Media Abstract Ink Art  This Abstract Art series is a first for me using craft rubber stamp as a background for my abstract paintings.      POSTAGE, Miabo Enyadike    It really was an idea I had toyed with for a while and I finally decided to give it a go.                          WALKING TOGETHER, Miabo Enyadike  To create the background, of some of these paintings, I used  guipure lace trim and the sole of a trainer shoe as my craft stamp.                                 RAYS OF LIGHT , Miabo Enyadike   Then I used ready made stamps also for some of the paintings. FRANTIC, Miabo Enyadike Balancing the stamp and the art work to give a cohesive collaboration, DIAMOND, Miabo Enyadike   was truly exciting and opened my eyes to the huge potential cra...

How to Recycle Old Shirts into Art | Artmiabo

Mixed Media Textile Abstract Art I have been away and only just returned to Johannesburg,I really could not do much blogging because my schedule was really tight on the project I was commissioned to do. When I returned back to Joburg where I reside, one thing that struck me the most was the lonely feeling that engulfed me when I stepped into my work/art studio.  It felt abandoned and it made me wonder what work I could have done and accomplished in this studio the six weeks I was away in Lagos it was a bit depressing. My need to do something about that feeling led to painting on a few shirts, which brings me to the subject at hand, re-purposing of shirts.  I have done quite a few of these paintings on shirts before,those shirts were kind of different because they where random shirts I picked at charity stores then.  This shirts, are like a canvas medium for me, my studio felt empty and creating art and re-purposing these old shirts mad...

Fashion Abstract Art | Miabo Enyadike

Fashion Abstract Art  As an Abstract Artist, with keen interest in fashion, I have watched on TV, and read about loads of the fashion moments. From Milan to New York, London to Paris and followed the Met fashion gala exhibition, in New York with gusto right here from Africa. Fashion Art | Miabo Enyadike  My most recent fashion enlightenment was watching and listening to fashion designers interview online. I applaud fashion designers, fashion illustrators, fashion editors and the entire universe of 'fashionistas' for there ability to control the moods and minds of the rest of the world.                                 fashion Abstract Art | Miabo Enyadike There spot on, fashion predictions and forecast truly is mind blowing and enduring. Recently fashion designing, has turned into a true art form, that leaves us artist, gaping and marveling with total wonder at t...

Portrait Abstract Painting Series | Artmiabo

Portrait Abstract Painting Series Abstract Art is one massive way of self expression by an artist regarding how they see things in a different light.  I really do love meeting new people and finding out about them and their culture, it  is just an awesome experience. Mr and Mrs Portrait, Miabo Enyadike The painting series, I am sharing in this blog is all about people represented in a rather quirky way.  It is just simply a colorful series, I got my inspiration for this series from Ndebele , of South Africa.                                       Family Portrait, Miabo Enyadike                                   These beads are intricately made by hand and are very colorful, they give me joy every time I see one and the people are really colorful. It was a no brainer for me, wh...