Mixed Media Textile Abstract Art
I have been away and only just returned to Johannesburg,I really could not do much blogging because my schedule was really tight on the project I was commissioned to do.
When I returned back to Joburg where I reside, one thing that struck me the most was the lonely feeling that engulfed me when I stepped into my work/art studio.
It felt abandoned and it made me wonder what work I could have done and accomplished in this studio the six weeks I was away in Lagos it was a bit depressing.
My need to do something about that feeling led to painting on a few shirts,which brings me to the subject at hand, re-purposing of shirts.
I have done quite a few of these paintings on shirts before,those shirts were kind of different because they where random shirts I picked at charity stores then.
This shirts, are like a canvas medium for me, my studio felt empty and creating art and re-purposing these old shirts made me feel good and changed the empty feeling I had felt earlier in my art studio
These shirts were worn to there deaths by my husband but for the sake of art intervention, they where so worn out we could not donate them.
I felt art re-purposing would be the best it is now a known fact that fashion is one of the highest polluters on the planet and re-purposing the shirts into value was a much better decision for me than tossing them away.
I decided enough of these shirts already! I think it is time to kind of Immortalize them forever where they can be seen but not worn!
So with old carton boards as the base for the shirts, glue, brush and Acrylic paint I changed the course of history for these shirts and made them Art......?
That way they they can be sold as art and some of the proceeds, will go into donations to charity causes we support and they can still remain within my husband’s mind as fond memories.....Enjoy.
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Miabo Enyadike