Arty Vintage design bottles Vintage Paris bottles are what I call this collection of bottles designed with paint, printable, lace and mod podge. I love the city of Paris because it is an Art destination with a great history. The city's ability to remain relevant in fashion, art, food, luxury, and lifestyle is amazing. The juxtapositioning of the old and new in the city of Paris is the inspiration behind this bottle collection. Bottles, bottles, bottles, what can I say I love them! There is so much potential in these bottles, that one wonders if it would ever be completely exploited. Decorating bottles to me is an Art form, that, requires total patience and focus, in order to transform a once empty bottle worth nothing at all, to something beautiful with a value attached to it, yes I mean good value of course! . I never get tired of working and designing on empty bottles and jars, thank goodness I am not alo...
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