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Showing posts from March, 2020

Abstract Art Paintings to Shop By Miabo Enyadike

Abstract Art Paintings to Shop   I sat down in my studio wondering about what is the meaning of  social distancing and quarantine... what it is like to be cut off from our favorite  pubs, cafes, restaurants, and malls, and it was surreal.  One moment I am planning to participate in exhibitions in Europe and other parts of Africa, the next thing I know I'm canceling and wondering how?    People gathering disrupted by Social Distancing (People): Abstract expressionism  by Miabo Enyadike. Ink, spray paint, stencil, and marker on paper board This covid has come upon us so rapidly and fast. As an artist who travels a lot, it's just sad reading about the huge loss of lives and lively hood.  Some of us Artist might use this somber and confusing period to hunker down and create some of the most astonishing Art ever seen, while some of us might take stock of our art whilst preparing for the worst!   My challenge is both, and ...

Colors & Pattern Abstract Art to Create By Miabo Enyadike

Colors & Pattern Abstract Art to Create Colors and Patterns Abstract is a way to show how well patterns work alongside color.  To create these abstract paintings: You  will need:  -S tencils  -Smooth Paper  -Water based Ink Colors  -S pray Paints and Our imagination. - Brush -to make playful lines on the painting paper with Ink leave to dry and then c reate Patterns with stencils using spray paint on the paper. And repeat this  process as overlays on paint applied to the paper.  Meaning as you create patterns with spray paint through stencils, you leave it to dry and overlay again with another stencil pattern, using shapes and colors depending on your imagination. The inspiration behind this mixed media art is to create a fusion of patterns enmeshed in colors that represent chaos but instead it is, telling a story about abstract art and how different materials can be used to create art. This Colour a...

Abstract Art painting idea for beginners by Miabo Enyadike

Abstract Art painting idea for beginners  STEP BY STEP INK ABSTRACTS FOR BEGINNERS / PAINTING              INK ABSTRACT PAINTING BY MIABO ENYADIKE LEARN  STEP BY STEP INK ABSTRACTS FOR BEGINNERS / PAINTING HERE I Paint Abstract Art with Ink, my art style is colorful Abstract paintings with Ink and my paintings are made with water-based Ink on smooth paper board. To make this type of Ink based Abstract painting on paper, you will need the following. YOU WILL NEED: -Smooth water color paper that allows for Inks to float and not penetrate the paper -Water based Ink paints, - Soft Sponge, - Water, -Small Sized Watercolor Paint Brush, -De-cluttered surface, I mean a table - Plastic wrap -Tissue paper, dab off excess Ink on the paper STEP 1 Wet the Paper surface with a sponge soaked in water STEP 2 Then apply the water based acrylic Ink by dropping little droplets of Ink on the very wet surface. STEP 3 Use as many colors as you can ...