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Showing posts from August, 2022

Recycled Paper Art Inspiration and Ideas By Miabo Enyadike

 Art and Paper Inspiration Ideas   Craft will always be my first creative love, when my Art block comes I resort to making things, that  calm my nerves or create things that inspire me and take my mind gently back to art.                                                                               This time around I decided to work with Paper to create accessories and art that is appealing but inexpensive.  That would serve as both decor items and handmade gifts.                       Paper can be manipulated easily, it really does not pose any challenge just cut and paste.      I decided to drop by the craft store and pick up objects of interes...

Ink and Paper Mixed Media Art | Artmiabo

 Ink and Paper Mixed Media Art  Mixed Media Paper Art is almost like craft, because you work with a lot of craft ideas infused with art.  I wanted to make art that told a story about lifestyle in a rather simplistic way.  My art story for this project was inspired by people and nature that surrounds me. So I combined paper and created some mixed media art with paper and ink, I hope you enjoy viewing it.  As we have all realized one way or another, life always tells it's story, artists document it... 💖💖💖     Miabo Enyadike                                            

Rope bowls Pendant lights by Artmiabo

Rope bowls Pendant lights Sometime a go I made these bowls using rope, glue and spray paint. You can read all about it here  Art Rope Bowls    . The bowls I created, to mirror my very hectic work schedule, after a health scare? anyway that blog was published in May 2015. The point I am making, is I have turned those same bowls, to pendant lights.  I knew in me, that they were more than display bowls.  Don't get me wrong, they are good as bowls or display ornaments, but I wanted a more desirable function and purpose for them. I teamed up with my electrician, who has worked with me, on a lot of projects and always thinks,  I am crazy and we made cool pendant lights, out of these bowls.  I wanted them colorful, hence the colored cords.  I left the extra cords,instead of reducing them because I am a restless woman, I could take them down next month or sell them.  It is a gallery and all Items a...

Words That Transcend Humanity by Artmiabo

WORDS THAT TRANSCEND HUMANITY  Love, Hope, Peace, Life and Live are words that we communicate with each other every minute, they are sometimes silent and weighty or spoken and encouraging. What will I say about these words, they are words that describe events, put a human face on situations and keep us together or make us whole.               We have heard them over and over again, that some of these words even sound corny.  They are words that make us wake up, in the morning and want to fulfill a purpose.   Words that make us want to be better people, role models, that turn these seemingly corny words, into truth that stare people at their faces, making believers and dreamers of them, with the possibilities that lie ahead.                      These are really words, that make us feel good about ourselves, guide us when all is lost, lift us up to emotions unknown ...

Abstract Art Expressionism Painting by Miabo Enyadike

Abstract Art Expressionism Painting This expressionism paintings are are inspired by colors, landscapes and events                                                          💖💖💖                              Miabo Enyadike Check out more Abstract Expressionist Art        

Art Blogs and Art Collection by Artmiabo

    Art+Blogs+Art Collection

Art+Art Guides Store by Artmiabo

Art+Art Guides   Art Books+Art Guides

Art Abstract Expressions Posters by Miabo Enyadike

Art Abstract Expressions Posters                                                       💖💖💖                                 Miabo Enyadike