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Showing posts from July, 2021

Happy Birthday Art Post Cards to Shop | Artmiabo

        Happy Birthday Cards to Shop Happy Birthday Postcard by Artmiabo Happy Birthday Postcards most times do the talking, specially when one is far away.  I usually stock up on them because they are easier to send to a friend even after you have greeted them on social media, getting and sending a personalized greeting card always shows how much we care or how much we are cared for.  These Postcards are fun art cards that send a simple cool message intended to send a happy Arty greeting to the celebrant.   I have sent a few myself and the feedback was pure appreciation, I know they my Artworks turned into Postcards, but it still reveals a deeper Artistic side of me, So let the Birthday greetings begin with an Art Celebratory Postcard....All Postcards can found in Happy Birthday Postcard by artmiabo Happy Birthday Postcard by artmiabo Happy Birthday Postcard by artmiabo Happy Birthday Post ...

Flower Lady Art Painting to Shop online | Artmiabo

Flower Lady Art Ideas to Shop online  Flower lady   Abstract Art Illustration Ink on Paper   By Miabo Enyadike Abstract Art Flower lady painting, represents female florist and their passion for flowers.  When I buy flowers from female florists, their is a sense of love and devotion accompanied with care for the flowers they sell.  They talk about flowers in a way that is sensual and passionate, that you are left with no other thought than to buy from them.  This painting represents all of the above.  This abstract art painting of a  woman with flowers stuck to her lips, is my artistic expression of a woman, who talks flowers and adores them passionately.. ...Enjoy                                             💖 💮 💖                      MIABO ENYADIKE       ...

Abstract Art Series by Artmiabo

                                                  Abstract Art Series, Chaos and Confusion  It has been, one horrible weekend in Paris, one of my favorite cities and one of the worlds best travel destinations. This art series is inspired by nature and humanity around world. I have used colors to depict it 'the way I see it'. All of these abstract painting series, is made with Ink on smooth paper boards, to give these events a sense of movement, that means, it is occurring right now in our lives and we have no control over these events. They include,our heightened emotional state right now, natural disasters, forest fires, diseases, discord in our civil societies etc, and more.  I have just used a few of these colorful abstract paintings I made, to tell my own narrative....   My prayers and condolences, to all affected and the entire Paris...

Abstract People on the Streets | Artmiabo

Abstract People on the Streets  Title: Abstract Art, People Medium: Ink on Paperboard Style: Abstract Expressioniam Artist: Miabo Enyadike   Title: Abstract Art, People Medium: Ink on Paperboard Style: Abstract Expressioniam Artist: Miabo Enyadike People Abstract, is an abstract expressionism illustration of people defined with rich ink colors. 💖💖💖 Miabo Enyadike Check out more art o

Purple flower hydrangeas and pansies Floral Art | Artmiabo

  Flower Art   Purple flower hydrangeas and pansies PURPLE HYDRANGEAS GROWING IN A POT                                             BY MIABO ENYADIKE                                  SOLD by (   Purple flowers painting of hydrangeas and pansies growing in a pot out doors is a mixed media art made with Ink and acrylic on recycled smooth paperboard by Miabo Enyadike. Painting: Acrylic, Ink, Paper, Paint on Paper. Subjects: Floral Styles: Fine Art,  Illustration,  Impressionism ,Modern , Pop Art Mediums: Acrylic,  Ink , Paper,  Paint Materials: Paper Miabo Enyadike Check out more Art

Wood Rustic frames | Artmiabo

                   Wood Rustic frames I love old wood, be it oak, mahogany, pine, ebony, any wood  that exist, this drives my insatiable need to collect old used wood from everywhere or anywhere I see them.                                   Sponsored   I love the well worn look of old wood and the amazing fact, that if you choose to sand old wood again, it just comes alive with a better surface and fantastic grain when polished.                  In my case it really does not matter what state it is in, I just love it because there is always a use for them. Jogging back home one morning, I discovered a pile of wood probably used for skirting, kept outside a fenced compound that was been renovated.               ...

Floral design illustration to View | Artmiabo

floral design illustration  Every Artist has a weakness for a particular subject, we tend to create different styles, use different mediums to express how we see our favorite subject.   I love to draw, paint and illustrate flowers, it is my favorite subject and one I can create easily, because of how flowers and natures true colors, appeal to me and my senses.    Travelling overseas, always introduces me to a new shade of color and flower I have never seen before. I have been away and I'm back to Johannesburg, where the winter season is beginning.   During the summer season, that has just passed here in Johannesburg, I was inspired by the sheer variety of colors in flower shops and gardens. Even simple window boxes with flowers in them, popped out stunning colors.   My favorite are the Chrysanthemum flowers that has essentially the best color variety, I also love tulips and little cactus plants. ...