Abstract art landscape paintings | Artmiabo

By - Miabo Enyadike

Abstract art landscape paintings

The past months, if not the entire last year, was consumed by one natural disaster after another.

 It was baffling and horrible to watch beautiful islands, countries and people being swept through, all kinds of tempestuous wrath of nature.

Nature's wrath' Abstract Art by Miabo Enyadike
                   Nature's Wrath' Abstract Art by Miabo Enyadike

 I wondered, how these disasters came about as I watched in horror, fear and then amazement, in awe of the power of these hurricane storms and wildfires, sweeping through the Caribbean and California, leaving behind devastation, chaos and deaths.


 Nature has always overwhelmed man from time past, it just knows how to rain It's vengeance and venom on our lives, leaving us wondering what we did to deserve these punishments. 

Nature's wrath' Abstract Art by Miabo Enyadike
                           Nature's Wrath' Art by Miabo Enyadike

My Abstract Art and blog, is centered on the recent natural disasters and how all the Islands, in the Caribbean and States in North America were affected and the recent wildfires and mudslides, in California.


I watched on cable news here in Johannesburg, completely horrified at the real time devastation, that was taking place in those countries and survival stories of those trapped on the Islands, as well as the indigenous people of these countries affected. 

These horrible disasters, where the inspirations behind these series of Abstract Art Ink Paintings that I have created.

Nature's wrath' Abstract Art by Miabo Enyadike
                  Nature's wrath' Abstract Art by Miabo Enyadike

I Painted these events of nature and devastation, the way I imagined it in my mind and how it played out before my eyes on cable news.

 I painted a series of these paintings with Ink on paper boards, as the medium and my style of painting could be seen as abstract expressionism or conceptual art.

Nature's wrath' Abstract Art by Miabo Enyadike
                   Nature's wrath' Abstract Art by Miabo Enyadike

People lost their livelihood, in the face of these devastation and one wonders how they intend to pick the pieces up! 

Also how do they get the tourist back? and how do people start all over again? with all the destruction and fear that people, have seen and experienced. 

In my lifetime, I have seen the resilience of the human spirit, our ability to adapt to whatever nature and life throws at us, as human beings and citizens of this earth, we know it is not the last wrath from nature.

Abstract Art Withered flower by Miabo Enyadike
Abstract Art Withered flower by Miabo Enyadike

 It will always show itself at every turn, and command our attention, to it's
power and presence leaving us, hurt and wondering.


As nature does it's thing, so should we as citizens of this planet, step up our game through climate change education and awareness, in order to help fight this battle that is obviously a losing one, on our part right now.........Enjoy

             MIABO ENYADIKE


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