Wood Rustic frames | Artmiabo

By - Miabo Enyadike

                   Wood Rustic frames

I love old wood, be it oak, mahogany, pine, ebony, any wood  that exist, this drives my insatiable need to collect old used wood from everywhere or anywhere I see them.  

 I love the well worn look of old wood and the amazing fact, that if you choose to sand old wood again, it just comes alive with a better surface and fantastic grain when polished.                 

In my case it really does not matter what state it is in, I just love it because there is always a use for them.

Jogging back home one morning, I discovered a pile of wood probably used for skirting, kept outside a fenced compound that was been renovated.

Well yours truly not one to waste time, pressed the bell at the gate and waited patiently while my eyes were glued to this find.  
Eventually response came, I was greeted nicely by a  lady who came to the gate. She answered warmly, that was a good sign! and all I needed.

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 I made my interest known about the wood to her, and if I could have them for free of cause.  I was playing on that warmness and using it to my advantage.

I could see she was taken  aback at this
request, but to my utmost relief she graciously agreed to my request.

She was still a bit confused I noticed and she asked why I wanted them, I simply replied  coyly, I love to collect old used wood for Art. Thank you! I said. Ran home quickly  got a ride, and came back to pick them up.


Anyway, to cut a long story short,I cleaned and sanded them,  went to see my carpenter and joiner, they were turned to picture frames for me. 

I framed some acrylic flower paintings, I had previously done in them as you can see, it looked good to me and I really love the old wood .....ENJOY!  

       Miabo Enyadike
    check out more art                               www.saatchiart.com/artmiabo