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Showing posts from January, 2019

Contemporary Abstract Art Mixed Media by Miabo Enyadike

Contemporary Abstract Art  Mixed Media    Abstract Art collage mixed media, is a style of art I am most familiar with.I love to apply objects and different materials to wood board and canvas.  My background is fine and applied arts, so I basically was nurtured in that style of abstract mixed media collage, where objects and materials matter most in your work than the paint you apply.                      Title: Thinking/Abstract Art Expressionism/ by Miabo Enyadike The objects and materials, are meant to tell the story of your artwork, driving home the narrative  about your artwork  to the viewer  and it's meaning but at the same time creating a sense of abstraction and expressionism all in one.         AD   Buy this Art by Miabo Enyadike My Art series on view today does that, I have created colorful silhouettes of men with geo...

Artists and Geometric Shapes by Miabo Enyadike

Artists and Geometric Shapes  Fine Arts begins with geometric shapes and lines. Are these shapes and lines the secret tool of the Artist? I always ask myself this question when I'm sketching down an idea for Art. When we see Circles, Cylinders, Torus(doughnut), Spheres, Squares, Rectangles and Triangles our minds immediately associate them with mathematics or sciences in general, but this is not so for the artist.                                       The artist sees these,Shapes and lines as creative tools, used to create art pieces.This could be in the form of paintings, sculpting, drawing, designing and architecture. These geometric shapes, truly work with the artist and also shape the entire creative process of the art work, without any formal calculations or mathematical formulas. Allow me to further explain, the use of geometric shapes in art. ...