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Showing posts from August, 2015

Creative Repurposing: Transforming Everyday Objects into Stunning Art Decor | Artmiabo

  Creative Repurposing: Transforming Everyday Objects into Stunning Art Decor Art Object  used for interior styling is one that I am a staunch advocate for.       DECOR BOTTLES   I been inspired by so many craft makers around the world, craft shows and ideas that make me want to keep re- purposing simple items like bottles, fabric off cuts, empty tins,old magazine pages e.t.c.                             Art decor bottles                        Recently, I had a simple display  of some of my re-purposed craft, set up in my Art gallery to demonstrate to a few clients how to make decor accessories with bottles.   I love bottles and worn denim pants, the possibilities are endless and I treat each piece as a work of  Art.......I hope you enjoy my display. DECOR BOTTLES 💖💖💖 MIA...


Once again,I just finished another set of Jean pants sculptures that I love.  I made them from old jean pants, found in my home.  My focus, was to create  little sculpture pieces, really out of nothing.  That are aesthetically appealing and uniquely me. I  also wanted them installed in  my own home,  as Art objects and decor accessory.......Enjoy. check out more art.                             Miabo.

15 Abstract flowers in a vase Art ideas by Miabo Enyadike

15 Abstract flowers in a vase Art ideas  I love to paint flowers and interpret them in a child like way, more as an idea than actual reality.  The inspiration for me, is derived from a need, to create a fantasy and engage my audience to see flowers, in a totally different and contemporary light. Where Ink colors, applied unto Ink colors repeatedly, on paperboard creates a  playful, yet intense interpretation of colors, texture and the structure of both the flower and the vase. Here are 15 Flowers in a Vase abstract Ink paintings I made.  FLOWERS IN A VASE SERIES;ABSTRACT ART; INK ON PAPERBOARD; BY MIABO ENYADIKE. FLOWERS IN A VASE SERIES;ABSTRACT ART; INK ON PAPERBOARD; BY MIABO ENYADIKE. FLOWERS IN A VASE SERIES;ABSTRACT ART; INK ON PAPERBOARD; BY MIABO ENYADIKE. FLOWERS IN A VASE SERIES;ABSTRACT ART; INK ON PAPERBOARD; BY MIABO ENYADIKE. FLOWERS IN A VASE SERIES;ABSTRACT ART...


COLOURS   IN A CIRCLE;     Another abstract Art color series, depicting colors contained in a circle.  colors in a circle;Abstract Art Ink on paperboard;2015 Miabo Enyadike. The circle represents the planet earth and the colors represents our diversities and values as custodians of this planet. colors in a circle;Abstract Art Ink on paperboard;2015 Miabo Enyadike. The inspiration, behind this series is how colorful and diverse, this  world is. colors in a circle;Abstract Art Ink on paperboard;2015 Miabo Enyadike. The emphasis is on, culture and race.  The known fact,is that there is no other world out there, that we might migrate too. colors in a circle;Abstract Art Ink on paperboard;2015 Miabo Enyadike. We are all in this earth together, whether it pleases us or not, in all our diversity.  ...