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Showing posts from January, 2014

Paintings with Ink by Miabo Enyadike

Abstract Art in Ink   My new found relationship with colored ink, is fascinating and am loving every moment of it for now.  It affords me the opportunity, to just be myself and apply my thoughts on paper freely, it is absolutely rewarding.                        My inspiration comes from abstract expressionistic art and paintings, where colors do the narrative and guides the audience to the subject matter in question.                          I thought to myself, maybe, just maybe I should try my hands on colored ink. I decided, no drawings, just ink,and paper and see how it goes.                   Its been a journey of new discoveries, as I challenge myself with this new found inspiration.                    Expressing my thoughts o...

Eco Friendly Interior Decoration | Artmiabo

Sustainable Eco Interior Decoration   The  holidays and new year celebrations have come and gone, and we have all made up, all kinds of new year resolutions, that would be very hard indeed to keep.  Notwithstanding, that does not stop us from having them. This is all part of the new year 'culture'. My home is filled with re-purpose stuff and I intend to keep it that way this year.  I hope to expand on more craft ideas to share and more home decor to make out of the discarded.  And so these are some of the craft resolutions I have made for myself  as usual, for this year, let's hope that I can remember them next week.    I love all things re-purposed. So watch this space, for more re-purposed projects. Check out this coffee table, I made out of wood pallets, for my sitting room  ENJOY! 💖💖💖 Miabo Enyadike                                   ...