Abstract Artists Use Art As Messaging Tools | By Miabo Enyadike

By - Miabo Enyadike

Abstract Artists Use The Power of Language in Art As Messaging Tools

Artist everywhere, create art they way the see it. Most from their guts and interpret it they way the understand it.

These days art can be anything, the onus is simply on the artist to create a narrative around what they are displaying and it should resonate with their audience.

I make art that is abstract in nature, and mostly with found objects, the aim is to create awareness around the simplicity in art but also the profound messaging around it.

Anything art can be used to convey a message, in this day and people immediately are drawn to it, they see themselves or people they know in these messages and immediately align themselves with it, in today's art, it is all about that direct messaging!

        Abstract/Mixed Media 
        by Miabo Enyadike

Art like I said needs to appeal both aesthetically and messaging wise, these two objects of art which include bottles and plastics with oil paint splashed on them, simply tell a story of war and the aftermath, death of course is the aftermath of war and people die in numbers that could have been avoided,

Aftermath of War
Object of Art
Oil paint and Plastic containers
Miabo Enyadike

the end is make shift burial sites and sorrow.

This is art in its simplest form yet telling a story happening in real time, in certain places around the world. 

                      Click here to buy art

                MIABO ENYADIKE

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