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Abstract African Paintings in Brush Strokes | Miabo Enyadike

Acrylic Abstract Paintings Brush Strokes

Brush strokes define our paintings and could easily be recognized, as an artist style. Take Vincent Van Gogh, for instance, a foremost dutch post impressionist painter, his distinct painting style, is forever impressed in our minds.This entire series I have made was inspired by Van Gogh's style.

The Boy, Miabo Enyadike
                                  The Boy 
                                                  by Miabo Enyadike          

Sometimes these brush strokes could happen by accident or on purpose.

Swirl, Miabo Enyadike
                         Swirl by Miabo Enyadike

 Even when its not done on purpose, it could be working with the brush we are most comfortable with, when we paint.Sometimes, its all about changing ones style of painting, or experimenting with a new brush just purchased.

Brown Skin Girl with Green Hair  by Miabo Enyadike
Brown Skin Girl with Green Hair 
by Miabo Enyadike

Mine is all of the above.

The path to no where  by Miabo Enyadike
The path to no where 
by Miabo Enyadike

 Just bought a new brush, and decided its time for some new experience, with my new brush. All I could think of  was color, faces and what  the final out come, would be.

 I used a flat brush, for acrylic and   water color and used my favorite medium, acrylic paint on a semi gloss recycled paper, the experience was priceless and the rest is for you to Enjoy.......

Miabo Enyadike
