Recycled Objects into Art: A Sustainable Art Living by Artmiabo

By - Miabo Enyadike

The Art of Sustainable Living

Sustainable living, Found Objects, Recycling, 
Up-cycle, Eco Art, call it whatever has been my life style as an artist for many years.

 My attitude toward the discarded found object is reflected in my home.

 I collect used bottles, books, distressed wood, pine cones, used jeans, used clothing, used plastics and so many more to create art and design for homes, collectors and my store.

 My home forms an integral part of my art process, because I work and live in the same space as the Art I sell.

My early inspiration came from Jasper Johns early works where he used mostly found objects to create art. 

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo
                        Cross Made out of Wood, Egg Shells and Egg Crates

Then I moved on to be inspired by street art here in Africa through my travels across the continent.

 I discovered really moving and inspiring art, created with found objects that we take for granted by poor street artists, whose art galleries are are in the streets, under trees, under open skies, street corners just showing amazing artwork.

 This artworks are carefully thought out by these illiterate street artist and they are very attractive art pieces.

 Yet these artworks sends a subtle message of sustainable living in which the art is created from the found objects in their very own back yard.

This is the inspiration for me, that this form of art  encourages Eco living and provides income as well.

I have made and sold quite a lot of art made with found objects, as their is always a true story behind each art and most people can relate to these objects and are pleasure to see these found objects in a different light.

Below are Photos of found objects turned into Art in my home gallery....Enjoy

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo

The Art of Found Objects in Sustainable Living | Artmiabo


Miabo Enyadike

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