Mastering Oil Painting: Essential FAQs for Beginners by Miabo Enyadike

By - Miabo Enyadike

Mastering Oil Painting: Essential FAQs for Beginners

Discover essential tips and answers to frequently asked questions about oil painting. Learn techniques like "Fat Over Lean," varnishing, and choosing the right supplies to improve your oil painting skills.

Oil painting is one of the more challenging mediums to master. Many aspects of oil painting often confuse and intimidate beginners. This article covers some frequently asked questions that can help you get started on your oil painting journey.


Frequently Asked Questions About Oil Painting
What is "Fat Over Lean"?
"Fat over lean" is a fundamental principle in oil painting to reduce the risk of your paint cracking as it dries. Oil paint is considered "fat" when it comes right from the tube. 

To make it fatter, you add more oil. To make your paint "lean," your mixture should contain more thinner, like turpentine. Start your painting with a "lean" mixture and add progressively fatter layers. This technique helps prevent cracking.


Should I Varnish My Finished Painting?
Varnishing protects your painting from dust, smoke, and other pollutants, which can darken or yellow the surface over time. Applying a varnish creates a protective layer that can be cleaned and eventually removed, allowing a fresh layer to be reapplied. 

Wait 6 months to a year before varnishing, depending on the thickness of your paint. Varnishing can be tricky, so research thoroughly or consult a professional before attempting it yourself.

Can I Save Unused Oil Paint for Later Use?
There are methods to keep oil paint fresh for later use, though they require caution. Some artists cover the paint with plastic wrap and freeze it, while others submerge unused paint on a piece of glass in water. Try any of these techniques and be comfortable with what's best for you.


Kinds of Surface to use for Oil Paintings?
Oil paint can be applied to various surfaces. Stretched cotton canvas is popular among oil painters, while linen canvas is also used but more expensive. Other supports include masonite and certain types of wood panels.

What Kind of Paint Should a Beginner Purchase?
There are different grades of oil paint: "Artist Quality," "Student Quality," and "Economical." Avoid economical paints as they contain more fillers and less pigment. Student quality paints are good for beginners and experimentation. Once you try artist quality paint, you may prefer it exclusively. Popular brands include Winsor & Newton, Grumbacher, and Gamblin.

What Kind of Brushes Should a Beginner Choose?
Brushes come in various shapes, sizes, and brands. It's best to have a variety to start with and develop your preferences over time. Avoid cheap brushes as they tend to shed hairs and fall apart quickly. Consider a quality introductory set, like the 11 oil brushes set by "Silver Brush." Check online or visit your local art store for more options.

How Do I Come Up with Ideas for My Paintings?

Finding inspiration can be challenging. Take breaks, walk outside, drive, or visit art museums. Look around your home for still life setups. Reflect on your passions—wildlife, nature, music, or any subject that excites you. Taking outdoor trips and photographing inspiring scenes can help generate ideas for your compositions.

I hope this answers all the questions. Best of luck and happy painting!

                                           Miabo Enyadike

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