Transforming Trash to Treasure: A Journey in Recycling Art with Discarded Objects
Taking long morning walks has become an essential exercise for me, serving multiple purposes. Not only do these walks help me maintain a sound exercise regimen, but they also offer the perfect opportunity to pick up discarded objects that catch my interest.
As I stroll through the neighborhood, I gather various discarded items, both small and large, because I see potential art in them. Breathing new life into these forgotten objects excites me, transforming what was once seen as trash into something beautiful and meaningful.
This type of artwork is my true passion, and it always feels refreshing to me. The act of picking up discarded items fuels my motivation to walk every morning, regardless of the weather.
On days I miss my walk, I feel like I've missed out on a potential treasure that could become a part of my creative journey.
I often receive strange and curious looks from motorists and other walkers, runners, or cyclists as I collect these objects. However, their reactions don't faze me. Instead, they strengthen my determination to continue this unique form of art collection.
August in Johannesburg is a windy winter month, with some days being particularly freezing. Despite the cold, I persist, always looking forward to discovering discarded items that inspire my art. This month is usually a time for rest, family enjoyment, and taking stock of my artwork from the first half of the year.
During my studio cleanup, I rediscovered some of the discarded items I had transformed into art earlier this year. I decided to share these creations with you through my blog. To create these pieces, I used old disused wood, acrylic paint, spray paint, and glue, turning them into unique works of art.
I call this collection the 'Life' series because it reflects my passion for transforming discarded items into art. It also aims to inspire a sense of wonder about the things we acquire and discard, pondering what role they might play in someone else's life.
I love what I've made out of these finds and hope you can be inspired by them. Enjoy!
Miabo Enyadike