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DIY Crafts to Boost Your Side Hustle: 12 Profitable Handmade Item - Artmiabo

 DIY Crafts to Boost Your Side Hustle: 12 Profitable Handmade Items.

Engaging in crafts brings a unique sense of fulfillment to creators, signifying the act of bringing something into existence. The satisfaction intensifies when our creations are not only valued but also sold, creating a profound and unforgettable experience.

Reflecting on my initial foray into crafting during a grade school home economics class, where we crafted tablecloths through needlework, that nostalgic memory remains vivid in my mind to this day.

Beads by Artmiabo

My love for craft stemmed from the fact that my mum who had a good Job then, was very good with her hands, she baked,made clothes, tea towels, aprons, bed sheets, and tablecloths and they were really lovely, I was always eager to help out and learn, I caught the bug alright....  

Today I make a living from crafts and Learn from other craft people what they are making and how they are making it.

I refer to my crafts as  simple home crafts, because I am a professional Artist and handmade crafts compliment what I do. 

My crafts are simple because they are mostly repurposed objects from around my home or objects my friends drop off for me. 

These crafts can be made over the weekend or are crafts that you make in your spare time, to beautify your home or sell. 

I have here 12 crafts that you make easily and can sell to make money, everyone needs a side hustle they enjoy...crafting items is just one of them. 

So the lists starts here:


Create heart shaped decor, with broken colored glass,
 glue, thick paper boards,
grout for filling the empty spaces and 
decorate with ribbon.

 The Idea behind home craft, is inspired by our desire to create something, that is close to our hearts and we want to see it, around us in its real form.

Create children collage with a storybook theme,
use puzzle cut outs and color these pieces, 
stick them on wood and you have a kiddies picture.

Create Jewelry with wooden beads, 
ropes and ribbons.

As an Applied Artist, making craft also gives me ideas, on mixed media Art and how best to extend my creativity.

Rope empty bottles and add details,like ribbons,
 borders,to enhance the decor on the bottles.

Create a textured collage with paper, fabric, 
mat and frame it.

 I don't always craft for fun, this is a serious aspect of my creative endeavor, I sell my craft and do take it seriously. 

A lot of us are gifted and are looking to create extra income, craft can provide that opportunity and you can sell to friends, colleagues and even family, by letting them know, about your craft products and its relevance to their lifestyle.

Crochet with thick cotton rope to make 
chunky storage basket.

 Also you can look out for outlets, that can sell on a commission for you or create a craft event, in your home where you invite people over for light snacks and sell your craft to them. 

Cover empty Jars with Sisal rope using Pva glue,
 paint and decorate with spray paint.

Handmade Ideas Journals, with embossed paper,rope, 
post it, stamps and plain white sheets

Attending weekend craft markets, also is important because it helps to advertise your craft to a larger audience and you can earn more money, while still keeping your day job.

Plain glass vase, cover with white canvas and paint on it 
with acrylic paint, use any art ideas you have, 
it is canvas after all!

Crochet with thick cotton rope to make chunky 
storage basket.

These crafts I made, are from objects and materials I see  potential in and enjoy working with, they are objects we find at home or in hardware stores. 

I create with what is at my disposal, it gives me satisfaction that bottles, broken glass, ropes, wood letters, paper and other finds can be put to use in a creative way that can also be monetized!. 

These are some of the crafts I make and sell, I also hope this can inspire you, into getting your creative juices up! to make something, that is not only beautiful but rewarding too.....Enjoy



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