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Artist and Metal Sculptor Segun Okewumi at Artmiabo international Art festival Lagos, Nigeria


Profile of Artist and Metal Sculptor Segun Okewumi

Sculptor Artist - Segun Okewumi

                       Sculptor Artist - Segun Okewumi    

Artist and Metal Sculptor Segun Okewumi

Segun Okewumi, is a young emerging Artist and Metal Sculptor, his work could be seen as inspired by Steam punk Art because of his choice of work materials.

He's art style is centered around humanity and his materials of choice are discarded nuts, bolts, and mechanical engine metal pieces.

Artist and Metal Sculptor Segun Okewumi

 He's ability to view these discarded metal objects as instruments of Art shows his level of creativity and ability to create a sustainable living from his environment.
His inspiration comes from his mother and the underprivileged. 

Segun's latest works are more reflective of his personal relationship with his Mum, Girl Education, and Parenting...below are some of Segun's works...Enjoy

 Profile: Segun Okewumi.    

Artist and Metal Sculptor Segun Okewumi
Title: Oguna Kan

This work is about parents doting over their only offspring.

Artist and Metal Sculptor Segun Okewumi
Title: Undeterred
Metal Scraps, nuts, and acrylic
Captivity/Death should never be a price for education. Segun celebrates young girls who insist on being educated despite all odds. 

Artist and Metal Sculptor Segun Okewumi

Okewumi obtained a national diploma in Art from Yaba College of Technology and also a Graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University,Nigeria. 

We are looking forward to viewing Segun's recycled 'objects of Art' at the ARTMIABO INTERNATIONAL ART FESTIVAL, LAGOS NIGERIA, 2022

29TH APRIL - 1ST MAY 2022.


