Jeans Artworks that tell a Story
Jeans Artworks that tell a Story
Profile of A Man, Denim artwork
Abstract Artists create art in an obscure way revealing in small terms what their art means. The Art might be compelling but the interpretations might be confusing to some people. Nevertheless that is the way they want to create art and interpret the obvious.
Denim Artwork by Miabo Enyadike
When I was a young artists maybe around 19 or 20 years of age which was some 30 years ago, I felt I had to put in very dot, line, shade and color in place to truly convey my art message.
By the time I was through art grad school and went to work in a different profession, I found out that people didn't care about all that. They loved an art they bought it simple. It gave me time to rethink and re-imagine my way of creating art as I worked in a different industry that had no business with art.
I became fixated with Picasso and Frida Kahlo bought several books on Chagall and studied their personalities more, instead of their style.
Then it dawned on me the reason they were great and celebrated was that they stuck to their own individual ideas, about how they see art and the way they interpreted it, it had to be uniquely theirs and you are either on board or leave it, they remained focused.
It helped me navigate my true art sense on how I see people, events, objects and nature, and I have remained focused true to my art style which is Abstract expressionism.
My art is color driven and working with all manner of materials that are available to me, and I love what I do. My subjects are flowers, nature, humanity and events they inspire me.
I no longer fear what collectors or critics think anymore, I have come to realize over the years as a professional artist, that there are people out there who love what I do. Also I have been able to sell a lot of my artworks across countries and continents.
One thing that this all buttresses is that 'Collecting Art is in the Eyes of the Beholder'... that simple and I am a witness.
You are viewing my new artworks I have made with Jeans they are my latest Eco-Art pieces,
Titled: The People & Things We Know.
I hope you enjoy viewing them thanks, a reminder that "create what you love and know, others will make a Journey out of it" -Miabo Enyadike