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Abstract Mixed Media Art : Holiday On My Mind | by Miabo Enyadike

 Holiday on My Mind  

 Whenever I get travelling or holiday destination magazines in the mail, I immediately toss away the previous holiday destination I had in mind away and start dreaming of another cool destination to visit. 
These holiday magazines, always unconsciously tell you, that you are missing out. We know they are out to get us, into holidaying in some place anyway.

Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage,  paper and ink on board paper:   miabo enyadike
Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage, 
paper and ink on board paper:  
miabo enyadike 

Last week I discovered a huge pile of magazines.
Sorting through my magazine pile, for interior decorating ideas in order to create a mood board for a project. I discovered, I have a huge pile of  travel/holiday destination magazines.

The pages were filled with awesome colors. I'm  a hoarder by all means,so just imagine a 3 year stockpile.
I sat down, took my time flipping through the pages, dreaming about the different exotic locations. 
The brilliant editorial, display of these destination were tempting.

Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage,  paper and ink on board paper:   miabo enyadike
Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage, 
paper and ink on board paper:  
miabo enyadike 

By the time I was half through it occurred to me, that I had drifted from the reason I was looking through the magazines in the  first place.
                             Art for Sale by Miabo Enyadike on saatchiart/artmiabo
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It was to find inspirations, ideas and magazine pages with strong colors, I could use to create art and craft for interior decorating and art purpose.
I decided since I was not travelling anywhere soon I could create a collage with cut outs, from the pages of the holiday magazine.

Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage,  paper and ink on board paper:   miabo enyadike
Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage, 
paper and ink on board paper:  
miabo enyadike 

I stenciled the background to create a sense of wonder. I then used the magazine cut out to create a face with different holiday destinations.
That would include travelling arrangement, hotel rates and packages.

That would show a glimpse of what goes through our minds, when we read these holiday destination magazines. All we want is a place to refresh, relax, rejuvenate and dream away.These magazines provide that avenue, in our minds and tell us it is possible.

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Though we may be home at the time, once we get hold of any of these holiday publications we go into dream mode.
These Art, represents that and further illustrates how important the holidays are to us.

Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage,  paper and ink on board paper:   miabo enyadike

Holiday on my mind' mixed media collage, 
paper and ink on board paper:  
miabo enyadike 

We all know the saying 'all work and no play makes a dull boy'.

                        Enjoy the holidays.

                    Miabo Enyadike
