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Art I love By Miabo Enyadike


Being in my art studio lately is less enthusiastic and work is so slow and almost like a burden, which should  not be because art is my life.


 After a lenghty discussion with myself, it turned out that the news reports I listen to, laced with doom and gloom and all the horrible narratives, about issues around the world,leaves me feeling empty and weary.This certainly was one of the factors.



The other is artist block meaning (no forthcoming meaningful creative process). This year has been one that I have been in my studio, day in day out creating art and working relentlessly,maybe I have milked myself dry, I thought and then it hit me, that my studio needed a cheerful and child like ambiance.

Which meant bright colours and a playful workspace to keep my focus on the task ahead,shutting out these unpredictable events happening .This led me to sit down and channel my inner child with child like colours,and drawings to create art that reminded me,of all the things I love and why I do this.The answer was right in front of me.


I do this for the  love of Art!

             Miabo Enyadike
