Abstract Art and Craft Blog
What art you Collecting?
I always ask myself, this question anytime I start collecting stuff.
What are you collecting? and Why are you collecting? because we don't need it or have the space, for it I always say to myself.
I always overrule myself and just keep collecting anything, that fascinates me but with a purpose.
I collect shopping bags and turn them to art.
For it to be fun, there has to be a purpose and a vision, attached to a particular object or stuff that I collect.
I love to collect every day Items, that are discarded or sold, in hospice or charity stores.
I collect discarded plywood and create art.
I am always excited to create Art and Craft from items I collect for the purposes of Art.
I collect old shirts and create paintings on them.
I collect electric wire spool and re-purpose them to tables and bookshelves
So I don't randomly pick or collect stuff,
I collect used paint buckets and re-purpose them, into storage seats and side stools.
There is a thought process period. It has to be useful, must have an awesome aesthetic
appeal and value.
I collect fabric cutoffs and create Art and Craft with it.
I collect newspapers and old clipboards to create Art.
Art and Craft by Miabo Enyadike
What are you collecting? and Why are you collecting? because we don't need it or have the space, for it I always say to myself.
I collect bottles, jars and old vases for Art and craft purposes
For it to be fun, there has to be a purpose and a vision, attached to a particular object or stuff that I collect.
I collect old mini mannequins and turn them around.
I love to collect every day Items, that are discarded or sold, in hospice or charity stores.
I am always excited to create Art and Craft from items I collect for the purposes of Art.
I collect electric wire spool and re-purpose them to tables and bookshelves
So I don't randomly pick or collect stuff,
There is a thought process period. It has to be useful, must have an awesome aesthetic
appeal and value.
At the end of it all, it is called Art or Craft and should inspire.....
I collect postcards and create lasting memories, of the things and places I love.
So what are you collecting and why?.........Enjoy. Check out more Art and craft
Miabo Enyadike