The artist is one with a vivid imagination, a complex,
yet beautiful and intense mind.
Our ability to observe and translate events, objects, humanity, lifestyle and pain that we see around us,
into a gift that is shared and received by all who see it and term it "Creativity", is what oils our artistic wheels to keep moving.
It encourages us artist, to keep on creating and
expanding our gift, to the delight of our Audience.
What comes in between this creativity, is how
artist suffer in the name of their craft.
The difficulty it entails to put this beauty, created by us called "Art Works",out there, be it paintings, sculpture, graphics, fashion, pottery or ceramics, photography etc and be taken seriously by galleries, markets, dealers, collectors etc.....is a huge, if not an herculean task to bear.
That brings me to the issue, of the Internet and the artist. The Internet has created a platform for the artist that could be far reaching than we artist anticipate.
An artist can make a living by the side, regardless of brick and mortar or huge financial commitment, just by uploading and clicking.
Whilst waiting for the big break, we all dream about and desire.
The Internet at least is on the side of the artist.
The reason I say so is from my own experience.
Miabo Enyadike
The Internet galleries, when you find a good one with a good track record, are not out to put our works down, or ask us to come back in two years time, when they understand what your art is all about.
Neither do they go comparing us, to other artist or berating our artistic efforts.
The Internet is simple;
(1). It encourages us to be entrepreneurs of our gift.
(2).Stay true to our creativity, whilst putting our Art out there for us effortlessly.
(3). Introducing us to dealers, patrons, lovers of Art, Art communities with common interest. True and valid critiquing.
(4). Opening our eyes, and giving us a glimpse of what other artist are doing, to promote their Art and Craft.
(5). Showing us ways, to harness this gift that is given to us in a good way, through collective efforts and encouragement, by our peers in the art world.
Abstract Art; Mixed Media; Miabo Enyadike
(6). Where Artist, all over the world can view each others work, get inspired and be motivated.
(7). The Artist, does not have to leave their
homes or home country, to exhibit to be known, it is truly amazing and gratifying.
(8). The best part, is the sense of community. Also the knowledge, that you are not alone in this, regardless of what part of the world you are from.
Africa; Ink on paperboard; Miabo Enyadike.
There are several on line galleries, that create a platform for the artist.
These on line galleries introduce artist, to a broader audience and they are free.
Artist can simply upload their work and sell through these platforms.
All that is needed is for you the artist,to have work that is made by you that's all.
Silhouette of a woman; Ink on paper board; Miabo Enyadike
To access these online galleries is easy.
It's not "rocket science", simply search on the Internet for example, Online art galleries
or How to sell your art on the Internet.
And the Artist, will get to see a lot of these on line art galleries and platforms, to choose from each offering opportunity.
Some for free, they take a commission if the work is sold, others might take a stipend, for you to be a member.
Bottom line, it all boils down to the fact that they exist and are out there to assist the artist.
For me as an Artist, it comes as a great relief that I can put my work "out there" in any manner I choose.
Then hold my breath, that people receive it in good faith and enjoy this gift called "Creativity".
Miabo Enyadike