How to decorate with Pine Cones
The month of October, till the month of February is the summer season in South Africa.
While Europe and America are 'Wintered up', we here have loads of sun and rain with hailstones, all at the same time it is a little overwhelming.
Most mornings, it's already pretty hot and I take long walks, on the street that is at the corner of my own street.
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I enjoy that walk because of all the tall pine trees, and all I see is pine cones everywhere. I always tell myself, I will pick some next time and paint some fun summer colors.
Maybe use them as decor, in my patio or my sitting room but I always forget to go with a bag.
I remembered last Friday and went with a bag and picked as much as I could carry, bearing in mind it was a long walk back home.
Anyway, I got my pine cones, cleaned them up with a small painters brush, then I brushed thinner all over each cleaned pine cone.
This I did to prevent insects or molding. I then applied white acrylic paint, as the base paint and when they where dry painted them the colors I wanted.
I chose colors, that reflect the mixed weather we are in right now. And oh! it's raining but the sun is up, how amazing......ENJOY!
Miabo Enyadike.