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Showing posts from September 10, 2017

Art Photography Bryan Whitney | Joburg Fringe Art Exhibition

Art Photography Bryan Whitney | Joburg Fringe Art Exhibition The Joburg fringe Exhibition for 2017 in Johannesburg South Africa has come and gone, as one of the Artist who participated in the Fringe this year, I was drawn to the work of one particular Artist/Photographer Bryan Whitney.  In my brief interaction with Bryan, I came to understand his passion and appreciate his work in Photography. With his vast experience in this genre Bryan's work   'Mini Structures: 3D X-rays of Oil Cans,' stood out especially for me at the fringe.. This is what Bryan had to say about his work.... Bryan Whitney and I standing in front of his Installation 'Mini Structures' whilst checking out a silk Print of his. This is Bryan Whitney Artist Statement This collection of x-rays reveals architecture in a surprising form: oil cans used to dispense oil for sewing machines, motors, and other mechanical devices. The simple industrial shapes reveal both similarities ...

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