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Showing posts from May 24, 2015

Arts and Crafts Decor Bottles by Miabo Enyadike

Arts and Crafts Decor Bottles  Old and Used bottles, give me so much pleasure to revamp and give a new lease of life. The thrill for me, are the endless possibilities, that go with this craft.  All you need, is an open mind and you can express yourself, anyhow it fits. For me using fabric, ropes, and paper is more my style. Another aspect is the fact that bottles are cheap to obtain.  You can get them at your house, from friends.  You can also ask, your local restaurant or bar and get them for free. It's all, in the creative process and what we make, of these bottles that matter.  Enjoy some of my revamped used bottles....... 💖💖💖                               Miabo Enyadike                                      

Guide to Deconstructing Art: Transform Abstract Art into New Creations by Miabo Enyadike

 Guide to Deconstructing Art: Transform Abstract Art into New Creations I love playing with drawings I've made,  I enjoy taking them further almost like deconstructing them,  into something more exciting and forward.  I have created quite a few for clients, over the years and they have turned out awesome. Lately, I  picked a few of my original Art and 'deconstructed' them again, into fabric and wallpaper design.       Original Art The Garden; mixed media abstract Art; Ink on paper board; 90cm,80cm; 2014; by Miabo Enyadike. They were used in a specific project.  Original Art; Flowers and leaves; Mixed Media Abstract Art: Ink on paper board; 90cm,80cm; by Miabo Enyadike.    Deconstructed Art: Flowers and leaves by Miabo Enyadike. Original Art; "Flowers"; Watercolor; 12cm x 14cm; 2013; Miabo Enyadike     Deconstructed Art: Flowers by Miabo Enyadike.   Deconstructed Art: flowers by Miabo Enyadike. and where redesigned