Geometric Abstract art to view by Miabo Enyadike

By - Miabo Enyadike

Geometric Abstract art to view

Abstract geometric art prints by miabo enyadike

 Abstract geometric paintings is an art style that has been practiced for a long time. Artists of every artistic genre use geometric lines and colors for artwork and art projects. 

Abstract geometric art prints by miabo enyadike


 Cubist artists like Henri Matisse, Picasso and the rest used a lot of lines and shapes in their artworks. My inspiration for geometric abstracts paintings is drawn from nature's landscape especially viewing landscapes from an aircraft. 


I enjoy this style of art because it provides an opportunity to tell my own narrative about how I see nature's colors and how climate change is affecting it.

Abstract geometric art prints by miabo enyadike


Climate change is a huge factor and a constant conversation as we view our natural environment destroyed and decimated by bush fires, vicious hurricanes, excessive flooding, and earthquakes. Australia bush fires and the Amazon bush fires are clear examples of climate change.

The climate change we are experiencing in different parts of the world is systematically changing the landscape of the earth and our environment leaving behind a colorless landscape filled with charred remains and only memories of what was once a beautiful and colorful natural landscape.

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 My abstract paintings try to bring our attention back to a colorful landscape created by nature.
My use of very vivid colors and geometric design curve rulers, in my paintings, is to create a picture that gives the viewer a sense of wanting more colors and beauty in our environment with an expectation and experience that this is possible. 

Even in the situation where colors of nature and natural demarcations in our environment are being blurred and destroyed by these natural and sometimes man-made disasters.

My hope is that through my abstract landscape paintings that it is noted, that we can collectively in our own small way create an awareness of what we are losing to disasters and how we can somewhat contribute to keeping our earth green and beautiful.


Abstract geometric art prints by miabo enyadike

Why Abstract Art

Abstract art has always been an escape from reality, art storytelling that depicts a real-life situation in a different light but sticks to the point where it resonates with the audience viewing it.

 Allowing the viewer to be drawn into the work and making their own conclusions and interpretations about the artwork they are viewing.

I hope in all that I have achieved that with these abstract geometric paintings.

These abstract geometric paintings are made with Ink on 100% recycled paper boards and are now available as limited edition prints...Enjoy.



Contact to get these limited edition prints.
